The Brahms-Institue at the MHL was founded in 1992 with the support of the Cultural Foundation of the German Federal States, the state Schleswig-Holstein, the Possehl Foundation and the Dr?ger Foundation as well as the regional state bank. Basis of the institutes stock is the Hofmann Collection including autographs, engraver's models, transcriptions, letters, photos and first- and early printings. In 1992 the MHL initiated the annual Brahms-Festival to inspirit this affiliation. Lecturers and students perform compositions by Brahms and his contemporaries as well as putting their works in an historical and current context. Since 1993 the MHL selectively asked artists to create artwork with reference to Brahms to accomplish an intermediary context to the fine arts. Throughout time a series of diverse and individual artworks developed in which the artists expressed their own impressions through commenting or counterpointing. The differing artworks interrelate and form a unique Brahms-Gallery that can't be found anywhere else in the world.
In 2014 the MHL published a booklet accompanying the Brahms-Gallery with illustrations and texts including introductions and memos the artists wrote during interviews with Prof. Dr. Friedhelm D?hl. D?hl is the former principal of the MHL who initiates the Brahms-Festival and the Brahms-Gallery. The booklet is obtainable at the MHL-Shop.
Klaus Kr?ger 1993: Acryl auf Leinwand, Diptychon: 135x125 cm |
Klaus Kr?ger 1993, Acryl auf Leinwand, Diptychon: 128x120 cm |
Armin Müller-Stahl 2006, Johannes Brahms, Mischtechnik auf Papier, 58x41 cm |
Bernd Voelkle 2003, J. Brahms (Malerei ein alter Hut), ?l auf Leinwand, 190x85 cm |
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau 2006, Flirt bis zuletzt, ?l/Acryl auf Leinwand, 100x70 cm |
Erasmus Zipfel 1996, Mischtechnik auf Papier auf Stoff, Diptychon: je 170x170 cm |
Gunther Fritz 2008, ?l auf Leinwand, 100x125 cm |
Günther Uecker 2001, Optische Partitur für Brahms (nach Brahms' Deutschem Requiem, VI. Satz: Denn wir haben hie keine bleibende Statt), Ru? schwarz geleimt auf Leinwand, 600x300 cm, darunter schwarzes Kantholz gebrochen und aufgelegt (auf wei?em Podest)  |
Johannes Grützke 1997, Johannes Brahms mit Hans von Bülow, ?l auf Leinwand, 180x100 cm |
Laura Pearsall 1994, Acryl und Materialcollage auf Sperrholz, 160x180 cm |
Jakob Rieke 2024, ?Columbia Symphony Orchestra. Bruno Walter [Dir.] Symphony 4 (e) op. 98 4. Allegro energico e passionato 04 – Piu Allegro.mp3?, Lack und Acryl auf Karton auf Leinwand, 716x462 mm, Foto: Jakob Rieke |