- Piano
球探足球比分: Sonata op. 57, Schumann: Kreisleriana, Ligéti: Etudes
- Violin
First movement of a great romantic violin concerto, plus works or individual movements from at least 2 other epochs
- Violoncello
First movement of a great representative cello concerto, plus works or individual movements from at least 2 other epochs
- Saxophone
Ibert: Concertino da Camera, Bach: Partita in A minor (transcription), Schulhoff: Hot Sonata, Berio: Sequenza VIIb or IXb
- Horn
Mozart: Concertos No. 2, 3 or 4, Gliere: Horn Concerto, Salonen: Concert Etude, Neuling: Bagatelle
- Organ literature
Applicants are expected to prepare a very demanding programme lasting at least 60 minutes. In the main instrumental subject, at least four works from different stylistic periods (including one work composed after 1990) should be performed, which demonstrate the ability to interpret and technical ability.
- Organ improvisation
Applicants are expected to prepare a very demanding programme of at least 30 minutes:
> a graphic score (example: Bengt Hambraeus: Ex Tempore),
> an improvisation in a historical style to be chosen by the applicant, or
> an arrangement (intavolisation, recomposition) of such a score in their own style,
> an improvisation in an original, contemporary tonal language,
> an improvisation on given themes (preparation time one hour)
The use of (live) electronics is possible, whereby two loudspeakers including cabling can be provided by the MHL.
For other instruments, apply the appropriate difficulty level.